So You Got Rejected…Now What?

Rejection is like an infection of feeling disqualified. It’s heart breaking. Leaving us with thoughts of, “Am I good enough?” or “I just don’t live up the standards of everyone else.” Those thoughts captivate us and we sit and replay them in our head over and over until we can make some sort of sense out of rejection. Even though rejection is hard, it can be good. It can motivate us and press us toward improvement.

About a year ago  I applied for a very unique part-time job at a church. I was so freaking happy because I got the courage to apply. 

I remember  the night I applied and the thoughts I had. I was anticipating what would happen next and if I got the job, when I would start and what would happen with my current job. 

A couple of days went by and I got a text saying, “Come by I want to update you on your application.” So I was like, this could be good but probably bad because for some reason we assume the worst in circumstances like this, right? I went and was told that I wasn’t going to be interviewed.

 I didn’t know what to think. I was in utter shock that I didn’t get the job. I felt rejected and disqualified. I had a choice, was I going to be positive, or become a negative Nancy. I reminded myself that no matter what, God has a will and a future for me. God reminded me that just because I got rejected doesn’t mean I was disqualified. 

Rejections are not disqualifiers

Just because we are rejected doesn’t mean that we are disqualified. It only means that we have other work that God wants us to do. 

There is a guy in the Bible named Joseph, and Jospeh had some dreams one night where God told him that he would be ruler of the land in Egypt. Joseph’s brothers said you are an idiot for ruining that and they did this: 

“So when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped him of his robe—the ornate robe he was wearing— and they took him and threw him into the cistern. The cistern was empty; there was no water in it.”‭‭(Genesis‬ ‭37:23-24‬)

Do you think Joseph’s dreams are invalid now? Do you think he is disqualified? 

A little time went by and Joseph was faithful and kept doing what God told him. Jospeh understood that his life and God’s plan was not over. Take a look at what happened when Egypt was experiencing a famine and Joseph’s brothers were searching for food: 

“Now Joseph was the governor of the land, the person who sold grain to all its people. So when Joseph’s brothers arrived, they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground.”                 (‭Genesis‬ ‭42:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

Let me just say, what God says will happen, will happen. Jospeh was rejected by his brothers but just because he was rejected didn’t mean he was disqualified! 

Just like God used Joseph to accomplish something that seemed impossible he has used me as well! God has given me countless opportunities to follow him and he’s taken me places that seemed impossible! 

God uses the humble and faithful! As long as you’re humble and faithful God can use you and he will use you to make a difference! Don’t give up on what God has told you because he is not going to give up on you. 

No matter what you’re going through or what rejection you are facing know that if you’re not dead, God’s not done. 



3 thoughts on “So You Got Rejected…Now What?

  1. I’m no stranger to rejection; it’s the only one that has stuck by my side. When opportunity arises and fails to materialize; when friendships form and fail to flourish; rejection has always been there for me. Even now that I’m not the right kind of Christian – I’ve come to realize that no matter how many times I’m thrown out of the doors of fellowship; at least rejection will be there for me.


    1. Thanks for commenting man! I really appreciate your input. I think that no matter what rejection is always a fear that we’ll have but rejection is a good thing to. For me being rejected has lead to some of the greatest things in my life! Do you feel that rejection is like your only friend?

      God let’s us experience rejection but it’s not meant to depress or make us feel shameful.


      1. I eventually came to see that I was rejected because people felt like they couldn’t rise to my level; so they had to keep on tearing down my foundation to bring me down to theirs. I think I intimidated them and they just didn’t know what to do with me. I was rejected for trying to be too like my friends and also for being too much unlike my friends, for believing things too far away and too different from what my churches taught, for doing the right thing even when it wasn’t popular. I think that being rejected from a bad influence is a good thing – but I had no way of knowing that at the time and it hurt miserably. To be called “like a lost puppy dog” for showing completely and unwavering loyalty to a friend who just didn’t want to be my friend anymore still stings even after all these years. But then I just accepted that to some extent I’m a Klingon with my own sense of honor that cannot be taken from me even if others do not understand it.


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